What's New
Persons with disabilities have had to fight for Human Rights and, on December 3, 1,600+ people joined us at the Legislative Building (and many more via streaming) to celebrate our rights to:
- choose your own support for independent living
- work and employment
- equal access and participation in education
- be free from violence and harassment
- make your own decisions and have your own voice heard
- take part and have access to the same sport, leisure, and recreation activities
- decide where to live and who to be in a relationship with
- accessible information
And the Right to Vote
Watch speeches from our launch on December 3.
Malinda Roberts, Disability Matters: Vote 2016 Spokesperson welcoming the 1,600+ people to the Legislative Building.
Greetings from: Rana Bokhari, Ian Wishart, and Kerri Irvin-Ross.
A Message of Human Rights by Allen Mankewich, Disability Matters: Vote 2016 Spokesperson, and the official launch of Disability Matters: Vote 2016 by Malinda Roberts.